Yolie Entsch

Yolie Entsch

Yolie Entsch – Change Agent Catalyst Younity Works was founded by Yolie Entsch who has been passionately initiating and engaging in innovative projects addressing social and environmental issues for over 35 years. By working in unity and sharing the value of...
Real Life Program

Real Life Program

Real Life Learning Pathway We know community organisations and social enterprises deliver amazing programs and services, and understand that you might want to deliver more programs or services to improve the livelihoods of your community members or staff yet may not...
The Art of Funcilitation©

The Art of Funcilitation©

People working in community organisations have been designing and delivering fun and interactive learning for young people and adults for decades. Some of you may even remember Project Adventure in the 1980s and 1990s with Karl Rohnke and his bag of tricks!! Fun and...
Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Yolie has been delivering light-hearted passionate and thought provoking interactive presentations for 30 years to local, state, national and international audiences and can tailor presentations to suit your next event. Examples of current topics include Causeway:...


It is good business to actively help solve social, economic and environmental issues. Some Businesses actively engage in community projects, some are established as Social Enterprises, while others are simply passionate about donating to a cause or their local...